OpenOrder on a wrapper. Accurate as of the latest sync.

interface UiWrapperOpenOrder {
    clientOrderId: bignum;
    dataIndex: number;
    isBid: boolean;
    lastValidSlot: number;
    numBaseAtoms: bignum;
    orderSequenceNumber: bignum;
    orderType: uiWrapper.OrderType;
    price: number;


clientOrderId: bignum

Client order id used for cancelling orders. Does not need to be unique.

dataIndex: number

Hint for the location of the order in the manifest dynamic data.

isBid: boolean

Boolean for whether this order is on the bid side.

lastValidSlot: number

Last slot before this order is invalid and will be removed.

numBaseAtoms: bignum

Number of base atoms in the order.

orderSequenceNumber: bignum

Exchange defined id for an order.

orderType: uiWrapper.OrderType

Type of order (Limit, PostOnly, ...).

price: number

Price as float in atoms of quote per atoms of base.